See how you can save 70% of the cost by reducing log volume and staying compliant.

Logging In The Age
of Devops

DevOps requires that development, operations, and security teams have visibility into the workloads that they collaboratively deliver and manage. Today, those workloads often include both microservices and legacy applications which results in more logs, more log data, and more varied logging structures to contend with. In short, logging in the age of DevOps has become harder than ever. And, it is more critical than ever because it is key to maintaining visibility and security in fast-moving and highly dynamic environments. Here are our top tips for logging in the age of DevOps.

your logs
It’s not enough to aggregate some log data into one place (such as a public cloud vendor’s log manager, like CloudWatch) and aggregate other data somewhere else (like a third-party log management tool). You need all of your log data in a single location if you want to analyze and store it effectively.
Adopt a
flexible log
Your log management tools and processes should be able to support any type of environment, like multiple Kubernetes clusters or multiple clouds, without you having to reconfigure the environment.
Because logs are often structured in multiple ways (or not structured at all), trying to search through all of your logging data using generic regexes is typically not very effective. Instead, consider  writing custom parsing rules that govern how your log analytics tool identifies relevant trends within log data, even if you are working with logs of varying types or structures.
Log to
To prevent data loss, ensure that log data will remain available if the container shuts down. Easily do this by running a logging agent that will collect data from the containerized microservice in real time and aggregate it within a reliable storage location.
logs as
your single
source of
Whether you’re a developer, an IT engineer, or a security engineer, you know how to work with log data.
If you need to uplevel your DevOps logging strategy, chat with a mezmo solutions engineer or start your fully-featured 14-day free trial today.

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