See how you can save 70% of the cost by reducing log volume and staying compliant.

Observability Tools
Are Hard To Use
And It's Impacting
Incident Response

The folks at The Harris Poll talked to more than 200 engineering professionals who are responsible for observability and log data management. Their findings show that incidence response efforts are sub-optimal and outcomes are falling short of expectations. One of the key areas that contributes to this is that the logging tools that are in place are not seen as easy to use. Let’s dive into the data to understand why that’s important.

Logging tools have too high a barrier to entry

of organizations say that they spend more time trying to resolve issues because their logging tools are not easy
to use.
of senior leaders said that response time is hindered because tools are not easy to use.
of organizations say that they spend more time trying to resolve issues because it is difficult to collaborate with colleagues & other teams.

Incidence Response Is Lagging

agree that seeing security events in real time is critical in delivering faster incidence response.
of organizations say that routing of security events is a challenge for their teams.
of enterprises are limiting the amount of data that enters SIEM systems
due to cost.
indicate that limiting the volume ingested into SIEM systems slows their incident response.
Log data is critical to tracking performance of applications and capacity resources, informing product improvements, and flagging hacking or other unauthorized entry.

Nearly nine in ten companies indicate they rely on their log data for these efforts. However, fewer than half are very satisfied with their ability to use log data for any one of these purposes. Additionally, this use case for log data has the lowest satisfaction rates of any tested.

Mezmo is a comprehensive platform to control all of your log data. It fuels massive productivity gains for modern engineering teams at hyper-growth startups and Fortune 500 companies, including Asics,, Sysdig, and 6 River Systems.

Since 2018 Mezmo has been the sole logging provider for IBM Cloud, where they partner to drive innovation in observability at hyper scale. The company has been recognized as one of Forbes’ Cloud 100 Rising Stars, EMA’s Top 3 Observability Tools, and Gartner’s Top 25 Enterprise Software Startups to Watch.

Unlock the power of your observability data