See how you can save 70% of the cost by reducing log volume and staying compliant.

Improve incident management while avoiding the hidden costs of ELK

Mezmo makes it simple to scale your log management efforts.

Accelerate your log management capabilities

The Elastic Stack can be a good option for teams that are just beginning their log management journey. However, as businesses scale, they often realize that the Elastic Stack’s “free” price tag comes with many hidden costs. Mezmo provides an easy-to-use and scalable solution that empowers your teams with the log data insights they need to take action fast, without the hassle of ongoing management.

In a recent study, we found that while ELK starts as a free solution, it can cost $1.7 million in just 3 years when factoring in costs for infrastructure, customization, ongoing maintenance, and training.

Read this before investing in ELK

Benefits of Mezmo Compared to ELK

Get Started Fast

With quick and easy ingestion setup, and an intuitive user interface, you don’t have to worry about extended onboarding or training time. Just get the logs you need, fast.

Scale On Demand

As your logging needs grow, open source solutions require cost and toil to scale. Not with Mezmo. We ingest data on a petabyte scale, and are built to grow with you without sacrificing performance.

Increase Developer Productivity

We built our solution with developers in mind. Our intuitive interface helps developers find and fix issues up to 10x faster than other solutions, no complex setup or customization required.

Nothing can replace a purpose-built tool meant to ingest and aggregate log data. There are other options out there, some of which are directly built into the cloud provider uses. None stand a chance in being as easy to use as [Mezmo].

We love how easy [Mezmo] makes it to see all of our log data in one place. It's a snap to focus on a single server or app, or search for a specific log entry.

Dave H. - Small Business

Get Control

Ingest & Parse

Easily centralize data from any source, with automatic and custom parsing capabilities to make data actionable, fast.
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Exclusion Rules

Manage log volume by only keeping what is important, and excluding everything else. 
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Spike Protection

Proactively alert teams when log volume is spiking, and set hard and soft limits to ensure you aren’t exceeding your budgetary limits.
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Log Data Restoration

Restore archived data to the Mezmo UI with a click of a button for easy viewing, searching, and compliance.
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Variable Retention

Flexible retention periods allow you to store logs for only the time they are relevant to maximize use cases and avoid unnecessary spending.
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Our natural language search capabilities makes it easy to find the logs you need to take action. No need to learn a new querying language!
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Metrics and Traces

See Kubernetes events and metrics alongside logs, giving teams the context they need to take action fast. Trace and Span information are available in line with logs via our OpenTelemetry integration.
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Use data visualizations (Boards, Graphs and Screens) to aggregate data and identify trends.
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Set presence and absence alerts to notify you when something’s not right. Integrations with PagerDuty, Slack, and others ensure you are notified where you work.
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Empower Teams

Enterprise Organization Management

Use granular controls to easily set up role-based access and sign-in settings for complex deployments.
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Integrate easily with SSO providers for enterprise-grade user authentication
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Usage Reports

When combined with Alerts, Usage Reports ensure everyone is in the know and can manage ingestion effectively.
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Featured ResourCes

The True Cost of the ELK Stack

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How to Run Elasticsearch from Zero to Petabyte Scale

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5 Reasons Why Customers Choose Mezmo: