See how you can save 70% of the cost by reducing log volume and staying compliant.

Introducing Agent v2 Beta for Kubernetes

Andrew Konoff


I'm the product manager on the Integrations squad. Previously at Heroku, Realm, and Salesforce. Big fan of writing songs and making tiki drinks.

LogDNA is now Mezmo but the product you know and love is here to stay.

In the olden days, we used to have to get logs by putting our agent on one machine at a time, like hitching a horse to a horse-drawn carriage. But now, we've got Kubernetes. It's like a horse factory, and we've got more horses than we know what to do with. In this wild west of containerization, we could quickly end up underneath more logs than our old-timey agent could keep track of! But now there's a new sheriff in town. Today, we're releasing the public beta of LogDNA Agent v2.

It's been in private beta for the last year, where we've made sure it could take any bucking that any bronco could hand to it. It can handle the fastest log rotations in the west – even in IBM's cloud, where their logs would rotate so quickly that our old Node agent got knocked clean off its horse.

How could it be so darn-tooting fast? Well, it's written from the ground up in Rust. That's a start. And of course, it's pointing right at the LogDNA Buzzsaw pipeline, so no matter how many logs you've got to send, we've got workers to take 'em.

Try The Agent v2 Beta for Kubernetes Today

Right now, it’s available for Kubernetes on Docker Hub and IBM's Container Repo. Just install the `2.1.8-beta` tag. Check out our docs to see how to install, configure, and send logs with the new beta version.

It’s worth noting: it’s still in beta, so be careful about deploying it to a production environment. We’ve done our best to stress test this new agent across all sorts of use cases, but as my grandpa said: just 'cause trouble comes visiting doesn't mean you have to offer it a place to sit down. We’d also love to hear your feedback, and you can send it to

Finally, why the 2.1.8 version, instead of 2.0? Well, our private beta was a little bit more public than the average private beta. To make sure we could keep all our customers who tested it in the loop and ensure we deployed the right build across all the environments it needed to be in, we started using semantic versioning early. Once we bring 2.1.8 through beta and into general availability, you'll be able to just point at the `latest` image and keep getting that sweet, sweet v2 wine.


Sheriff Andrew and the Integrations Deputies
