2019 Was Great, But We’re Just Getting Started
LogDNA is now Mezmo but the product you know and love is here to stay.
It’s the start of a new year and the time is right to assess what we’ve accomplished and where we’re going. First, I think we should celebrate the incredible year LogDNA team just completed:
- 3.6X year-over-year revenue growth
- doubling the team size
- one LogDNA baby and two on the way!
I’m so proud of what our LogDNA team accomplished. Not only because it’s quite impressive, which it is, but also because it lays the groundwork for what’s to come in 2020.
So what’s different about this year? First, we’ve started with a bang by adding Tucker Callaway to the team as President and CRO. Tucker ’s responsibilities include driving growth across all revenue streams and creating the foundation for future revenue streams and go-to-market strategies. His strategic leadership style and ability to deliver revenue are the exact expertise we need to build on our growth momentum.
Looking at what’s to come, this year will not only be about expanding our GTM efforts but is also becoming more aligned with our core users. That means in the coming weeks and months, you’ll see LogDNA providing more education around log management and how to leverage log data in your development lifecycle. You’ll also see more of the LogDNA team out and about in developer and DevOp communities. Developer Love means we not only serve the developer community, but we really listen to what the community cares about.
This feeds into our overall company goal for LogDNA to help our customers make even better products in 2020. Together, we’re destined to have a stellar year.