See how you can save 70% of the cost by reducing log volume and staying compliant.

Export API v2: Streamline Large Log Data Exports

Albert Feng


Driving product for the Ecosystem team. Avid basketball, tennis and golf player.

LogDNA is now Mezmo but the product you know and love is here to stay.

The LogDNA platform improves how teams use logs to help with debugging and troubleshooting. However, having fast access to actionable data isn’t the only value you can get from logs. There’s a lot of additional value in analyzing historical log data to understand long term trends. For example, customers can use log data as a way to represent audit events for user actions and benefit from visualizing them in a 3rd party software. For this kind of analysis, our users require access to log data in a flexible manner, which is why we created our Export API—enabling users to define a time period of logs to be exported out and used in other applications.

However, while this feature was helpful for users that require access to log data in other platforms, we realized that the experience of piecing multiple export requests together was frustrating. Furthermore, using only timestamps to stitch together requests made it possible to lose logs if not careful.

To solve those issues and meet the needs of our users, we’re excited to introduce our newest version of the LogDNA Export API. This includes two major improvements:

  1. We introduced pagination IDs to help with queries that export a large number of logs, making it easier to stitch together large exports of log data. 
  2. In addition, the output format is now in JSON, which allows for a more user friendly experience.

How to Get Started

Check out our newest Export API by trying it out live within our documentation. You will also find all the information you need regarding query parameters, as well some best practices, tips and tricks. 

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to me, at
